
Proyectos de cooperación

Proyectos de cooperación en curso

  1. Zambia, Botsuana, Congo-Kinshasa, Costa de Marfil, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Etiopía, Cabo Verde, Angola, Marruecos, Camerún, Madagascar, Togo, Burkina Faso, Congo-Brazzaville, Túnez, Argelia, Guinea, Gambia, Palestine, Islas Mauricio, Egipto, Kenia, Kuwait, Líbano, Lesoto, Namibia, Súdafrica, Sudán del Sur, Liberia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Malawi, Sierra Leona, Santo Tomé y Príncipe, Guinea Bissau, Somalia, Swazilandia, Senegal, Gabón, Chad, Rwanda, Yibuti, Burundi, Malí, Benín, Mauritania, Níger, República Centroafricana, Tanzania, Eritrea, Uganda

    African Women in Education Network (AWEN)

    2008 - 2027
    AWEN is the EI Women’s Network in Africa. It was launched in May 2008 with the overall goal to promote Gender Equality in unions to strengthen these unions for the achievement of Quality Education for All. AWEN constitutes a platform for women educators sector to influence the political will in...
  2. Zambia

    Orientation of the National Executive Committee (NEC)

    The programme will help the new leaders of the union to undertake their functions effectively, and to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective delivery of the union’s services. As the NEC members are coming into their leadership positions for the first time, and it is expected that...
  3. Corea del Sur, Malasia, Uruguay, Ghana, Costa de Marfil, Suiza, Brasil

    Cercles d’apprentissage pilotés par les enseignant·e·s pour l’évaluation formative

    2023 - 2026
    Le projet de « Cercles d’apprentissage pilotés par les enseignant·e·s pour l’évaluation formative » vise à fournir aux enseignant·e·s les outils et le soutien nécessaires pour identifier et mettre en place des pratiques d’évaluation formative efficaces, pilotées par les enseignant·e·s, qui pourront ensuite être diffusées au sein de leur syndicat...
  4. Costa de Marfil, Países Bajos

    Work: No Child's Business (Ivory Coast)

    2020 - 2024
    SYNADEEPCI is associated with UNICEF Ivory Coast and Save the Children Ivory Coast in "Work: No Child's Business" (WNCB), an alliance which joins forces with communities, schools, governments, civil society organizations, trade unions and private actors in the struggle against child labour. The activity of SYNADEEPCI is concentrated in Soubré.
  5. Liberia

    NTAL (Liberia) - Strenghtening the union and fighting against privatization

    2019 - 2022
    The Liberia Consortium made of EI, CTF Canada, DLF Denmark, UEN Norway and Läraförbundet Sweden supports NTAL's efforts to become stronger and to fight against privatization and commercialization of education.
  6. Gambia

    Mentoring and mobile phones to support young women teachers in The Gambia

    2021 - 2022
    Funded by the Government of Canada and this collaboration between the GTU and the CTF/FCE, linked 48 young women teachers in rural and remote areas of The Gambia with 12 more experienced colleagues in a mentee-mentor relationship (4 mentees for each mentor) to form a personal and professional support network....