
Cooperation Projects

Current Cooperation Projects

  1. Mali

    Renouveau syndical au Mali

    2021 - 2023
    L'objectif du projet est de bâtir un syndicat fort, inclusif, démocratique et efficace à partir de la réalisation d’actions concrètes à tous les niveaux.
  2. Sao Tome and Principe

    Jornadas de formação sindical - Trade union training days

    2022 - 2023
    The Jornadas de Formação Sindical is a hybrid training programme, combining online and presential training for a total of nearly a 100 hours, focusing on equipping young techers and new entrants to the profession to become workplace representaives and union leaders.
    Jornadas de formação sindical - Trade union training days
  3. PATC Book Development and ICT Skills Development

    Book Development: In many developing countries, achievement of quality literacy and numeracy is hampered by lack of reading materials, especially contextually relevant ones. The PATC programme seeks to help produce contextually relevant reading supplements developed by teachers to be used in their classrooms to enhance literacy. ICT Capacity Building: With...
    PATC Book Development and ICT Skills Development
  4. Nepal

    Scholarship and Capacity Development Project in Nepal

    We established a scholarship system for girls who have difficulty receiving an education due to poverty, and provides capacity development programs to empower women.
    Scholarship and Capacity Development Project in Nepal
  5. Canada

    La remobilisation des militants et le renforcement de leurs capacités au Bénin

    Le SNEP-Bénin a connu un temps d’inactivité. Cette situation a favorisé la déperdition dans le rang des militantes et militants. Ainsi le bureau directeur national lors d’une de ses rencontres statutaires a exprimé son désir de visiter les différents départements pour une remobilisation de ses militantes et militants. Après la...
    La remobilisation des militants et le renforcement de leurs capacités au Bénin
  6. Tanzania

    Organisational Development ZATU Zanzibar 2023-2027

    2004 - 2027
    ZATU has revised their Strategic Plan in 2022 for 2023-2027. Different areas have been divided in cooperations with DLF, BUPL and STU (former Lärarförbundet and LR). The cooperation with STU is focusing on the following areas in the period of 2023-2027: Membership recruitment and retention, communication and visibility, renewal with...
    Organisational Development ZATU Zanzibar 2023-2027