
  1. News 13 September 2023

    Morocco: Education International stands in solidarity after devastating earthquake

    A 6,8-magnitude earthquake hit Morocco on September 9th, killing more than 2,900 people and causing severe injuries to 5,500 people more, including many teachers, students, and their communities. Many buildings have been damaged or destroyed. The rescue operations are ongoing in the affected areas.

    Morocco: Education International stands in solidarity after devastating earthquake
  2. News 31 August 2023

    Promising formative assessment practices proliferate in Ghana

    Teacher-led learning circles are places of reflection, where teachers come together to discuss and plan how to trial different forms of formative assessment in their classrooms in the hope of ultimately identifying promising practice.

    Promising formative assessment practices proliferate in Ghana
  3. News 23 August 2023

    Concerns mount over teacher detentions and threats in Angola

    Education International has expressed grave concerns to Angolan authorities following distressing reports of illegal detentions of teacher unionists and threats against educators. Threats include negative evaluations, terminations, and the exclusion of unionised probationary teachers from employment opportunities. Particularly troubling is a letter from a provincial education director, urging national police...

    Concerns mount over teacher detentions and threats in Angola
  4. News 17 July 2023

    Tunisia: the government must respect the trade union rights of primary school teachers

    In a letter of protest dated 13 July 2023 addressed to Tunisian Education Minister Ali Mohamed Al Boughdiri, Education International (EI) condemned the salary penalties imposed on teacher trade unionists calling for better funding of education in their country.

    Tunisia: the government must respect the trade union rights of primary school teachers
  5. News 7 July 2023

    Inclusive, quality education: the key to ending child labour

    From India to Senegal, from Albania to Uganda and Mali, Education International (EI) members raised their voices in support of quality education to commemorate World Day Against Child Labour on June 12th.

    Inclusive, quality education: the key to ending child labour
  6. News 4 July 2023

    Your guide to connect with colleagues at the 9th EI World Congress

    The 9th Education International World Congress is taking place online from July 11 to 13. This edition of our World Congress will focus on “Growing our unions, elevating our professions, defending democracy." Read on to see how you can connect with colleagues from across the world!

    Your guide to connect with colleagues at the 9th EI World Congress
  7. News 28 June 2023

    Strengthening education in Africa: uniting for tax justice and increased public funding

    Educators in Africa came together for the Education Financing Forum: Go Public! Fund Education in Accra, Ghana from 21-22 June. The event, held in collaboration with the TaxEd Alliance, aimed to strengthen education unions' capacity in advocating for fair and just taxation to fully fund public education systems.

    Strengthening education in Africa: uniting for tax justice and increased public funding
  8. News 23 June 2023

    Go Public! Finance quality, equitable, and inclusive education in Africa

    Top education union leaders from Cameroon, Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia took stock of gains in their fight against education privatisation through the Education International (EI) Global Response campaign and committed to continue these efforts through EI's Go Public! Fund Education campaign to mobilise to fully fund public education systems and...

    Go Public! Finance quality, equitable, and inclusive education in Africa
  9. News 19 June 2023

    Uganda: Education International condemns the horrific attack on Lhubiriha Secondary school

    Education International, the global federation of educators, strongly condemns the horrific attack on Lhubiriha secondary school in Mpondwe, Uganda and mourns in solidarity with the families and communities impacted by this devastating act of violence.

    Uganda: Education International condemns the horrific attack on Lhubiriha Secondary school
  10. News 8 June 2023

    Morocco: Trade unions focus on raising the status of teachers and reforming the education system

    The SNE-CDT (Syndicat National de l’Enseignement-Confédération Démocratique du Travail) has been negotiating for several years with the government to improve the living and working conditions of Moroccan education staff, and to secure a comprehensive reform of the country’s education system, to put an end to the ongoing inequalities in the...

    Morocco: Trade unions focus on raising the status of teachers and reforming the education system
  11. News 7 June 2023

    Madagascar: trade union solidarity with teachers affected by natural disasters

    The Fédération Chrétienne des Enseignants et Employés de l’Éducation (FEKRIMPAMA) has spared no effort in distributing financial resources from the Education International (EI) solidarity fund to its affiliates most severely affected by cyclones Cheneso and Freddy .

    Madagascar: trade union solidarity with teachers affected by natural disasters
  12. News 4 May 2023

    Ivory Coast: Teachers mobilise communities to end child labour

    In the rural region of Soubré, Côte d'Ivoire, teachers play a key role in the fight against child labour. Thanks to the training provided by the SYNADEEPCI union in partnership with Education International, UNICEF, and Save the Children, education professionals have learned to distinguish between work that is socialising and...

    Ivory Coast: Teachers mobilise communities to end child labour
  13. News 25 April 2023

    The Gambia: Development cooperation supports teacher union’s co-operative credit union

    The successful partnership between the Gambia Teachers Union Co-Operative Credit Union (GTUCCU) and the Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union of Ireland has positively impacted the lives of teachers and their families in The Gambia. GTUCCU currently has over 30,000 members who use a variety of financial services, including savings and...

    The Gambia: Development cooperation supports teacher union’s co-operative credit union
  14. News 19 April 2023

    Sudan – Education International calls for the protection of students, teachers and education facilities

    Education International strongly advocates for the right to education and condemns any actions that jeopardize this fundamental human right. The ongoing fighting in Sudan has resulted in restricted movement and disrupted access to education, which is crucial for the country's stability and development.

    Sudan – Education International calls for the protection of students, teachers and education facilities
  15. News 11 April 2023

    Eswatini: Education International fully supports education unionists

    Education International (EI) sent a High-Level Mission to Eswatini to reiterate on-site the support of the education union community to colleagues in the country, and to urge the national governmental authorities to put an immediate halt to the persecution of Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) leaders, introduce democratic governance...

    Eswatini: Education International fully supports education unionists