
  1. News 24 April 2021

    Cape Verde: trade union celebrates national Teachers’ Day urging to improve the condition of the teaching profession and to protect it from COVID-19

    On the Cape Verdean Teacher's Day, 23 April, the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) has called for measures to improve the condition of the teaching staff and demanded that educators be put on priority lists for vaccination against COVID-19.

    Cape Verde: trade union celebrates national Teachers’ Day urging to improve the condition of the teaching profession and to protect it from COVID-19
  2. News 26 March 2021

    Mauritania: Educators’ strike for pay increase and better living conditions

    On 22 March, teachers engaged in a three-day general strike to demand a pay increase and better living conditions. This strike was punctuated with massive protests near the Education Ministry headquarters in the capital city, Nouakchott, and in the various provinces.

    Mauritania: Educators’ strike for pay increase and better living conditions
  3. News 23 March 2021

    DRC: online union training full of promise

    The Fédération nationale des enseignants du Congo/Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Congo (FENECO/UNTC) has closed the end of its online Trade Union Academy on the fundamentals of trade unionism.

    DRC: online union training full of promise
  4. News 5 March 2021

    Nigeria: students and schools must be protected from attacks

    Attacks from armed groups against schools and students have been increasing in the last months in Nigeria, where kidnapping for ransom is a widespread criminal enterprise. Nigerian authorities must act swiftly to protect the right to education of children, especially girls.

    Nigeria: students and schools must be protected from attacks
  5. News 5 March 2021

    Africa: Governments must act urgently to protect educators and build stronger education systems

    During its virtual meeting from 23-25 February, the Education International Africa Regional Committee (EIARC) urged regional governments to act swiftly to ensure decent living and working conditions for educators. Proactive measures were needed to guarantee quality education on the continent in the face of challenges including the pandemic, terrorism, and...

    Africa: Governments must act urgently to protect educators and build stronger education systems
  6. News 5 February 2021

    Cape Verde: No to COVID-19 and gender-based violence in schools!

    The Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) in Cape Verde is campaigning to provide educators with sufficient tools to fight the COVID-19 outbreak and gender-based violence in education institutions.

    Cape Verde: No to COVID-19 and gender-based violence in schools!
  7. News 7 January 2021

    Morocco: repeated government attacks on educators’ human and trade union rights

    Education International is alarmed about ongoing violations of trade union freedoms and the rights and acquis of teachers in Morocco as reported by the Syndicat national de l'enseignement–Confédération démocratique du Travail (SNE-CDT).

    Morocco: repeated government attacks on educators’ human and trade union rights