Publications Estratégias para acabar com a violência de género no âmbito escolar
A experiência dos sindicatos da educação em África
21 December 2019A Violência de Género no Âmbito Escolar (VGAE), nomeadamente, nas escolas, nos seus arredores e noutros contextos educacionais, consiste num problema de particular importância para os sindicatos do sector da educação e seus membros.
Publications Global framework of professional teaching standards
Jointly developed by Education International and UNESCO
4 November 2019The joint Education International/ UNESCO framework on the development of professional teaching standards aims to improve teacher quality, teaching and learning, as well as support the implementation and monitoring of the teacher target in the Education 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and specifically Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4).
Publications 3rd Education International World Women’s Conference | Finding a Way Through the Labyrinth: Women, Education and Leadership
Conference report
14 March 2018The focus of the third EI World Women’s Conference was on the complexities of women’s path to, and experiences of professional leaders within education and in education unions.
Publications Women in Trade Unions and in Education: From Words to Action | 2nd Education International World Women's Conference
Conference Report
15 May 2014The second EI World Women’s Conference – Women in Trade Unions and in Education: From Words to Action - took place in Dublin, Republic of Ireland, April 7th-9th 2014, and focused on some of the issues that negatively affect women within education trade unions, and women and girls within education...
Publications On the Move for Equality | EI’s First World Women’s Conference
Conference Report
14 March 2011On the Move for Equality, EI’s first world women’s conference took place in Bangkok, Thailand, 20-23 January, 2011. This report outlines the discussions and outcomes of this ground-breaking event.