The study is a detailed examination of the trends and current manifestations of privatisation in education in Morocco. The report also sheds light on various public education reforms implemented in Morocco and how privatisation policies have affected these reforms.
In order to have a clear overview of how privatisation has expanded in the Moroccan education system, it is essential to understand how numerous education reforms have led to the privatisation of a sector that, traditionally, has been provided by the Moroccan state.
A few key policies are worth pointing out. As a result of government policies facilitating procedures for private entities to enter the education market, local and foreign actors have come to progressively invest in private education as an increasingly profitable market. Insufficient regulations for private schools have also led to an increase in providers of varying quality (some senior state and government officials are involved in the private education sector themselves, perhaps challenging their ability to make impartial decisions on regulating the sector). Last but foremost, the loss of tenure through the growth of limited contract employment in the teaching profession has introduced a level of job insecurity never seen before.