With teachers’ unions leading the way, tens of thousands have taken to the streets in Argentina to oppose the government’s education reform, which includes spending cuts, and to demand authorities to reopen social dialogue.
The Argentinian affiliates of Education International (EI), CTERA, CONADU and CEA have jointly organised a day of national protest, the result of an escalation in the confrontation with the conservative government, and of a stated “lack of solutions to the problems in education on a provincial and nation-wide scale”, according to a public announcement.
In opposition to the cuts in social spending implemented by the government of Mauricio Macri, especially those concerning education, the unions have agreed on a national action plan that includes
- the national day of strike on August 24, with demonstrations in the provinces
- their participation in a national march that brings unions and other organisations together from August 31 until September 2 and that converges on the iconic May square in Buenos Aires
- the organisation of a national day for human rights justice on September 21
- the strengthening of the provincial bargaining strategies in the face of the local authorities’ refusal to reopen negotiations
The reopening of social dialogue tops the list of demands that the unions have made public in their common statement. It also includes the demand for a pay rise, the respect of existing agreements, the continuation of national education programmes, a rejection of any changes to the retirement age and a demand for an increase of the national budget for education to 10 percent of the GNP.