The Education International (EI) Executive Board has reaffirmed EI’s unwavering solidarity and support for the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT), its leadership and members.
The Education International Executive Board, meeting online on 14-16 March 2023,
1. Concerned that the Government of Eswatini continues to violate trade union rights, and in particular curtails the rights and autonomy of the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT);
2. Concerned that SNAT is prevented from engaging effectively with the Government on all matters pertaining to the welfare, training, and retention of teaching personnel;
3. Reaffirms EI’s unwavering solidarity and support for SNAT, its leadership and members.
The Executive Board urges the Government of Eswatini to:
4. Respect and protect the fundamental rights of workers and trade unionists, including the right to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and peaceful assembly, in line with international labour standards;
5. Cease immediately all forms of harassment and intimidation against trade unionists and human rights defenders, and to conduct thorough and impartial investigations into all cases of violence and attacks against them;
6. Engage in constructive and continuous dialogue with SNAT;
7. Uphold the check-off system and implement dues' increases in a timely manner, and to register all new unionised teachers as required by law;
8. Reinstate the salary and benefits of the President of SNAT, drop all charges laid against him for undertaking legitimate union duties and ensure his safety.
The Executive Board requests the EI Secretariat to
9. Organise a high-level mission to meet the authorities of Eswatini to restore dialogue and respect for international labour standards, in particular ILO Conventions 87 on freedom of association and 98 on the right to organise and collective bargaining.