
Study on the effects of structural adjustment policies in Burkina Faso

published 17 January 2007 updated 17 January 2022
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In order to gather additional information on the impact of structural adjustment on education, as well as to assist teachers’ unions in the task of devising alternative strategies on education and structural adjustment and make member organisations more aware of the problems associated with structural adjustment, Education International decided to undertake a number of case studies on the effects of structural adjustment policies on education.

A first study, conducted in Ghana in 1999, showed that even in that country, where Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) have reportedly been a success, education has not been spared the adverse effects of such policies. Complementing the results of the case study on Ghana, EI’s second study focuses on the situation in Burkina Faso, another “model pupil” of the Bretton Woods institutions.

The report summarises the results of the Burkinese case study.