EI helps education unions implement projects to fight child labour in 13 countries: in Albania, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ivory Coast, India, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Nicaragua, Uganda, in Senegal, Togo and Zimbabwe. Most of these projects aim at developing child labour free zones.
To develop child labour free zones, local NGOs and education authorities work closely with the trade unions towards implementing actions in the field. Over 1,500 teachers have received training aimed at combating child labour since 2014. These projects are supported by the AOb, Mondiaal FNV, the GEW Fair Childhood Foundation and the Dutch coalition Stop Child Labour.
Here you can find some documents and resources by EI on child labour:
EI/AOb Child Labour Projects: Transnational Best Practices and Union Impacts
Teachers Unions at the Forefront of the Fight against Child Labour. Good Practice