1. Considering the context of profound economic and social crisis which has led to the unemployment of 32 million working men and women and the spread of poverty and hunger; 2. Considering the ineffectiveness of many governments when it comes to adopting measures to defend working men and women and other persons affected by the crisis in the face of the speculative whims of the markets and corporate interests; 3. Considering the aggressive policies of privatisation of public services together with increasingly precarious working conditions and low road employment practices of major private employers; 4. Considering the various attacks on trade union organisations as guarantors of the fundamental democratic rights of working men and women throughout the world and as decisive entities in negotiation processes; 5. Observing that this a moment for trade unions to intensify, rather than retreat from, their internationalist orientation; 6. Considering and supporting the Trade Union Declaration at the 2010 Summit of the United Nations General Assembly with a view to accelerating progress towards attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); 7. Considering the growing interrelation and increasingly global nature of policies affecting employment and the delivery of essential public services; 8. Deploring that many multinational corporations demonstrate disrespect for workers, union-busting tactics, fear and intimidation for workers who speak up, and firings and reprisals when they seek to join a union; 9. Considering that the International Trade Union Confederation and the Council of Global Unions, of which EI is a member, have agreed to rally their collective resources in support of a targeted global campaign model that will focus the combined support, resources and commitment of the world’s labor movement on concerted organizing campaigns; 10. Considering that the campaign to win workers’ rights at Deutsche Telekom has been selected as the pilot for this global organizing strategy, due to a demonstrated track record of union avoidance strategies in its non-European countries of operation; 11. Considering that these challenging times require unprecedented coordination and communications to link together the daily struggles of workers to build their unions and seek a collective voice on the job and elevate their collective demands for respect of fundamental rights and a path to decent work in every possible arena; 12. Recognizing a vital need to strengthen trade union organisations and rebuild union density worldwide in order to improve labor’s ability to promote social justice and confront global problems; THE WORLD CONGRESS 13. Calls upon governments to perform their function as guarantors of the rights of all citizens and especially the basic rights to public education and public health, as well as the basic rights to form trade unions and to bargain collectively; 14. Denounces the complicity of governments with the measures proposed by those who, having caused the world crisis, are now seeking to benefit from it; 15. Demands fulfilment of the commitment to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the year 2015, whilst addressing the questions of the debt crisis and international cooperation on fiscal matters; 16. Urges further internationalisation of the trade union movement in order to favour joint world initiatives such as the Global Campaign for Education; 17. Joins the global labor movement in endorsing ITUC’s first global organizing campaign to help Deutsche Telekom workers win their basic labor rights, gain a voice on the job, and bargain for a better life for themselves and their families as an important pilot for rebuilding the strength of global labor. 18. Calls upon EI and its affiliates to demonstrate public sector solidarity with private sector campaigns as means of promoting labor unity in a time of unprecedented threats and encourages the utilization of public procurement and workers’ capital strategies, as well as direct engagement and consumer campaigns, where possible. 19. Urges the ITUC to research potential public sector targets for future concerted campaigns, including the identification of multinational corporations involved in the privatization of public services. 20. Urges Education International to intensify its work in the analysis of the global situation, the provision of updates and tools to the member organisations to support these various campaigns and also in coordination with other international trade union organisations; 21. Urges a greater commitment on the part of EI affiliates to mobilize their members around these various global campaigns and to promote an international outlook within their national trade union structures.