Honduran teachers will receive extra support from their union in the form of economic aid for older adults and pregnant women, in a joint effort by teachers to offset the crisis caused by the closure of schools.
Honduran education union COLPROSUMAH, a member organisation of Education International, has launched a solidarity programme for the country's most vulnerable teachers in light of the COVID-9 crisis spreading throughout the country. School closures, which will last at least a month, have been one of the primary measures taken by the Honduran government in an effort to curb the spread of the disease, greatly impacting educational communities, teachers and their families. Other sectors in the country are also severely affected, as almost all economic activity has now ceased.
Trade Union Solidarity MeasuresCOLPROSUMAH has implemented a bonus scheme for people over 58 years old and another bonus scheme for new mothers or pregnant women in their last trimester. Furthermore, a credit scheme for members and an assistance scheme have been launched to help cover healthcare costs for those members who have contracted COVID-19. Within the scope of these actions of solidarity, the union will also distribute food to affected members.
Actions to assist members on the ground will be complemented by a media campaign urging members to respect social distancing measures. Communications are conducted through WhatsApp groups and a daily radio broadcast.
The union is also negotiating with the government to renew the contracts of temporary teachers, which expired in March, so that they can be extended until May.