Education International (EI) and the Foundation of EI’s affiliate in Germany the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft have signed a partnership agreement, the Foundation giving responsibility to EI for projects to promote the right to education and to eradicate child labour.
Under the agreement with the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft(GEW) Fair Childhood Foundation, EI will identify, coordinate and support the implementation of education union projects financed by the Foundation to support education and eradicate child labour. The agreement was signed on 17 October by EI General Secretary David Edwards and GEW President Marlis Tepe.
“School is the best place to work for children,” stressed EI’s project coordinator Samuel Grumiau. “ Projects aiming at the eradication of child labour are implemented currently by EI affiliates in many countries. Through training of their members, awareness raising activities and lobbying, our affiliates successfully contribute to the reduction of child labour, while improving their image in the society, gaining new members and strengthening their capacities.”
News on those projects can be found on https://www.facebook.com/EIagainstchildlabour/