The Canadian Media Literacy Week has raised awareness about the need to create inclusive digital communities, putting teachers at the center of the development of critical thinking skills and citizenship among students.
Inclusion and diversity online
This year’s theme of “Inclusion in a Connected World: A Place and a Voice for Everyone” promoted ways in which diverse voices, perspectives and talents can participate in and enrich media and digital. Through educational activities and awareness-raising events, from 6-10 November, this week helped young people throughout Canada create welcoming digital environments and engage in respectful dialogue online.
Teachers help “students find their own voices”
Diversity is a celebration of the Canadian identity, H. Mark Ramsankar, President of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), an Education International’s affiliate, noted that, “as teachers, we firmly believe in helping students find their own voices, develop their critical thinking skills and become responsible citizens in a democracy. That’s what media literacy is all about.”
Media Literacy Week is an annual event, currently in its 12th year, co-hosted by the CTF and MediaSmarts, a Canadian not-for-profit centre for digital and media literacy. Collaborating organisations across the country participate by organising activities and promoting media literacy.
For more information, please visit medialiteracyweek.ca.