On the heels of a major free trade agreement among Pacific nations, trade unions are reminding the world that decent work not only matters, but that it is the linchpin for fair and equal societies.
From Brussels, Belgium to Buenos Aires, Argentina, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has organised events around the globe under the theme of “End Corporate Greed.”
Education International (EI), representing more than 32 million teachers and education workers through its 400 affiliate organisations, stands with all workers in support of decent work conditions.
The Trans Pacific Partnership(TPP) trade deal announced Oct. 5 only highlights how important the struggle for decent work is for the world’s workers as corporate reach widens and its pockets deepen.
Through the Global Response to the Privatisation and Commercialisation in and of Education, EI aims to ensure “that teachers and education support personnel’s rights to decent working conditions, high quality training, fair recruitment and employment, and quality professional development must be guaranteed.”
Education International also reaffirmed its position on decent work during its 7th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada last July, by passing a resolution on “Precarious employment and the campaign for decent work” to carryout, among other actions, “work with global union federations and the ITUC in raising the profile of precarious employment as a key impediment to the campaign for decent work.”