Teacher activists from the German education union, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW),and their students have organised a colourful awareness-raising day of action in the capital city, Berlin.
Germany’s world-famous landmark, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, was the backdrop for a day of action by the GEW, an affiliate of Education International, on 29 September. The union organised the awareness-raising day of action around the theme, “World-class! Education creates the future!”, in the framework of the Global Campaign for Education.
Together with students of Berlin’s Wilhelm-von-Siemens secondary school, GEW teacher unionists presented a statement on education in the form of a piece of art. MPs attending the event were invited to add their contribution to the art with the help of graffiti artist AKTEone. At the end of the day, a pretty, colourful work of graffiti about education had been created.
For more information and pictures about the event, please click here