On 7 - 9 April 2014, 25 vocational education and training (VET) experts of ETUCE member organisations from 17 countries met in Vienna for a ETUCE - ETUI training seminar on The role of the teachers’ trade unions in quality assurance in all forms of Vocational Education and Training.
The seminar focused on the Austrian dual system in vocational education and training which is recognised as one of the most succcessful VET systems in Europe as it contributes to a high youth employment rate. The participants discussed the importance of linking VET programmes to the labour market with a view to decrease unemployment rates in Europe, especially in times of crisis.
In the frame of the seminar, the participants visited two VET schools. The first school, HLA Baden, focused on the hotel and tourism sector. The second school, lbs Neunkirchen, is orientated towards the metal sector and industry. This visit was very illustrative and provided an insight into the Austrian VET system. The seminar participants had the opportunity to talk to the students and teachers to learn more about their experiences and concerns.
Both visits were very impressive and showed how important it is to provide a positive environment betweenteachers and pupils, wll- established contact between schools and industries, and teacher training. The participants also emphasised that the visits evoked new ideas to implement in their countries.