50.000 people from 21 European countries took to the streets of Brussels to participate in the large European trade union demonstration organised by ETUC on 4th April 2014 in Brussels. Trade unions from many different sectors and from all over Europe raised their voice against further austerity measures and for investment, quality jobs and equality.
ETUCE joined the rally with its own strong delegation including colleagues from the ETUCE and EI secretariats and several national member organisations. The group marched side by side holding up their key messages to protect and to promote public education in times of rigid budgetary austerity. More ETUCE member organisations came to Brussels following their national confederations to support the manifestation.
The demonstration started outside the International Trade Union House, passed by the Schuman square in the area of the EU institutions and culminated close to the Parc du Cinquantenaire where several European trade union leaders addressed the demonstrating people. More information can be found on ETUCE’s website at http://www.etuc.org/news. ETUC has also published a special edition of their newsletter on "A New Path For Europe" http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=a75277da86.