Twenty years ago, on 26th January, 1993, Education International was founded at a special Congress in Stockholm in Sweden which brought together representatives of the former two largest teacher and other education workers’ international organisations in the World, the World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession (WCOTP) and the International Federation of Free Teachers Unions (IFFTU). The delegates attending the founding Congress, representing 210 organisations with 18 million members, agreed to form one international representative organisation.
Today, as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of that founding Congress, EI has grown to represent over 390 organisations with almost 30 million members in over 175 countries and territories. Its membership received a further boost in 2004 when the World Federation of Teachers, the last remaining substantial teachers’ organisation outside the EI family, became integrated into EI.
Education International brings together from across the globe, independent and democratic organisations of teachers, professors, lecturers, researchers, education administrators, education support staff and other education workers. The establishment of EI was a remarkable achievement in trade union solidarity, bringing together in one organisation so many education unions with their diverse political and cultural backgrounds.
Thanks to the leadership of the many dedicated members of its Executive Board and Regional Committees and the hard work and commitment of the staff in its head office and regional offices, Education International can celebrate remarkable achievements.
Its diverse member organisations, united in pursuit of common policies on education and on human and trade union rights, in many instances have succeeded to defend, through concerted and coordinated action, those organisations or individual unionists whose rights – in domains ranging from freedom of association, to gender equality, to LGBT rights – were infringed.
Through its advocacy work on quality education for all, and emphasis on the critical role of education professionals in providing it, EI has succeeded in keeping the provision of education for all as one of the top priorities of the international community. Education International is now the recognised voice of the education sector wherever educational policies are discussed at international or regional levels – whether in UNESCO, ILO; OECD, the World Bank or in any other global or regional agencies.
After twenty years, Education International has much to celebrate, but must not be complacent, Susan Hopgood, President, and Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary, write in a joint statement commemorating the anniversary.
“Today, we are confronted by many social and economic developments which threaten the provision and quality of education in many countries. With the continued commitment and solidarity of its member organisations, and the dedication of its leaders and staff, it will be an effective advocate for education and education workers long into the future,” they said.
Please click here to download the 20th Anniversary brochure.