
Education International
Education International

Canada: Study shows ways to improve bilingual education

published 23 September 2011 updated 28 September 2011
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A new survey by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) has found that the poor use of technology is hampering learning in bilingual education. The national survey, which considered the impact of technology among students attending French-language schools in minority settings in Canada, involved more than 1,600 Canadian students.

One of the survey’s main findings was to highlight the almost complete lack of in-depth research on technology and its use by Francophone students. The survey also confirmed that French is not used very much in this highly popular social context.

The teacher committee that directed the study also suggested ideas to ensure that the French language has an increased presence in this technologically-sensitive environment.

Commenting on the outcomes of the survey, CTF President, Paul Taillefer, said: “As adults and teachers, we are discovering the world of technology every day. However, technology has been part of our students’ lives since birth.

“Since the creation of the ‘Services to Francophones Department’ at CTF, we have contributed significantly to the progress of French-language education in Canada. We believe that this survey on a topic so little explored will foster thinking and bring about positive changes in the Francophone community.”

EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, supported the findings by CTF, and said: “EI has always highlighted the important role of bilingual or mother-tongue education because it fosters a respect for diversity amongst all children. It is also of importance for humanity as a whole, collecting and conserving relevant knowledge that might otherwise be lost.”