Education international and the European Trade Union Committee for Education were represented at the European Social Forum (ESF) and presented the EI/ETUCE work on various topics.
They reported on the Bologna process and the status of Higher Education in Europe, as well as the issue of hidden privatisation of public education in Europe.
Teacher trade unions were highly mobilised during this 6th convenience of the ESF, which took place in Istanbul, Turkey, on 1-4 July.
The Turkish EI/ETUCE member Egitim-Sen warmly welcomed the forum’s participants and helped organising activities.
Colleagues from GEW, Germany, held a seminar dedicated to the 1GOAL Campaign and took an active part in other education seminars.
French colleagues from SNES-FSU, SNESUP-FSU, SNUipp-FSU and SNCS were also very engaged in the forum’s activities.
ETUCE/EI members OLME, Greece, FLC-CGIL, Italy, and FECCOO and STES-i, Spain, also participated in more than 15 activities directly related to educational issues.
These activities were organised under the umbrella of the ESF’s Education Network, composed of the above mentioned EI/ETUCE member organisations as well as NGOs and students’ associations. The Network gathered on 3 July for the Education Assembly, during which the European Trade Union Confederation call for a European Day of Action on 29 September was presented and welcomed by all participants.
A peaceful demonstration in Istanbul and a final General Assembly of all organisations closed the Forum. The 7th edition will take place in two years.