Education International welcomes the announcement that the military conflict in Georgia has ended, and calls for steps to be taken immediately to assist the families of those civilians who have been killed in the conflict and the many persons who have been displaced by the destruction of their homes. EI appeals to all parties to establish an environment in Georgia in which a peaceful democratic civil society may flourish.
EI is concerned, in particular, about the repair and reopening of schools which have been damaged in the conflict or are being used currently as shelters for refugees. EI demands that the authorities prioritise the reestablishment of the school system and that the international community provides assistance to the authorities to that end.
EI is working closely with its affiliates in the areas worst affected, assessing the situation and the immediate needs of the teachers and their families affected by the conflict.
EI is the global union federation of teachers which represents over 30 million members in 171 countries, including the Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia(ESFTUG) and the Free Trade Union of Educational Staff(ERTOBA) in Georgia, as well as the Education and Science Employees' Union of Russia(ESEUR) in Russia.