
Education International
Education International

Canada: CTF's survey of schools reveals advertising and commercial activities filling education funding gap

published 10 May 2006 updated 8 June 2018
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EI affiliate, the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF)'s recent study involving elementary and secondary publicly funded schools across Canada has uncovered some startling revelations on the extent of advertising presence and marketing deals in schools in order to offset chronic underfunding of education systems in every province and territory.

Results of "Commercialism in Canadian schools: Who’s Calling the Shots - a national survey of 3,100 schools" conducted by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) and the Centrale des syndicats du Québec – Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (CSQ-FSE) will be released on Monday, May 15. The survey also shows the growing inequities as a result of such commercial activities that undermine the universality and accessibility of a publicly funded education for every Canadian child. This is the first survey of its scope and breadth ever to be conducted on this issue. News conference participants will provide new information with respect to provincial and territorial breakdowns along with an in-depth analysis of the data which are contained in the final report. The CTF President will also announce a national campaign in light of these results. The news conference will be held: When: Monday, May 15, 2006 Time: 10 a.m. Where: Queen’s Park media room, Toronto Who: Winston Carter, CTF President; Erika Shaker, CCPA director; Alain Pélissier, CSQ-FSE Secretary-Treasurer; Marilies Rettig, Ontario Teachers’ Federation President. Media kits with full reports, executive summary and fact sheets will only be provided at the time of the news conference. No embargoed copy of materials and news release. More Information: Francine Filion, CTF Communications Director, (613) 232-1505