
Articles from United Kingdom

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 March 2017

    Edinburgh takes centre stage for international teachers’ Summit

    Teacher union leaders and ministers of education are at the table together in the Scottish capital to address challenges facing education during the 7th International Summit on the Teaching Profession.

    Edinburgh takes centre stage for international teachers’ Summit
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 5 March 2017

    UK: increasing professional pressure greatly affects teacher wellbeing and mental health

    Nearly half of teachers who responded to a poll led in Scotland on teacher wellbeing said their mental health was poor, fueling fears that growing numbers are struggling to cope with the profession’s changing demands.

    UK: increasing professional pressure greatly affects teacher wellbeing and mental health
  3. Standards and working conditions 24 February 2017

    UK: workloads spark a crisis in teacher recruitment and retention

    Following the launch of the Education Select Committee report into the recruitment and retention of teachers, UK education unions have urged public authorities to take urgent measures to tackle this serious national crisis.

    UK: workloads spark a crisis in teacher recruitment and retention
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 February 2017

    UK: Brexit outs EU academics

    Following the Brexit vote, around 31,000 EU academics in UK universities are being told to make arrangements to leave, some having already decided to comply, putting the expertise of UK universities in serious jeopardy.

    UK: Brexit outs EU academics
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 January 2017

    Education World Forum’s top sponsor far from the ‘gold’ standard

    The annual closed door meeting of education ministers and government officials is attracting heavy criticism after choosing Bridge International Academies as its top sponsor, a decision protested by global education unions and civil society groups.

    Education World Forum’s top sponsor far from the ‘gold’ standard
  6. Union renewal and development 23 January 2017

    UK: guarded welcome for extra funding for schools serving disadvantaged communities

    Education unions welcomed the education secretary’s announcement to fund an additional six “Opportunity Areas,” and urged the government to ensure that all children can go to school, regardless of their social background.

    UK: guarded welcome for extra funding for schools serving disadvantaged communities
  7. Standards and working conditions 9 January 2017

    UK: Teacher unions unite to demand salary boost

    Six education unions from the UK have made a joint submission to the national review body calling for a “significant” salary increase for teachers, whose pay has been frozen or capped since 2011.

    UK: Teacher unions unite to demand salary boost
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 December 2016

    UK: National Funding Formula falls short, say unions

    Education unions have reacted strongly to the UK Education Secretary’s announcement of a consultation on the school funding system in England, saying that the government’s proposals do not address inequalities of access to education and too many schools will lose funding.

    UK: National Funding Formula falls short, say unions
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 29 November 2016

    UK: Educators highlight need to tackle sexual harassment and violence in schools

    Education unions in the UK have strongly reasserted the need to bring an end to sexual bullying and harassment and refocus efforts to train teachers on sexual harassment and violence awareness.

    UK: Educators highlight need to tackle sexual harassment and violence in schools
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 November 2016

    UK: Towards a new union for education professionals and their learners

    Two UK education unions are negotiating on their amalgamation, demonstrating their joint vision for education which enables learners to understand and contribute to a wider society, and improves the working lives of education professionals.

    UK: Towards a new union for education professionals and their learners
  11. Union renewal and development 4 November 2016

    UK education unions warn that disadvantaged children to be hurt most by cuts

    Disadvantaged children are likely to be hit hardest by government changes to school funding, according to the new School Cuts online initiative from education unions launched by two UK education unions.

    UK education unions warn that disadvantaged children to be hurt most by cuts
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 October 2016

    UK: Education Bill pushing academies dropped

    Education unions in the United Kingdom have welcomed the announcement by the Secretary of State for Education that the Education for All Bill, planning to force all schools in ‘underperforming’ local authority areas to become academies, has been dropped.

    UK: Education Bill pushing academies dropped
  13. Equity and inclusion 18 October 2016

    UK: gender inequality puts future of teaching profession at risk

    Gender inequality, combined with crushing workloads and attacks on their pay and working conditions, are threatening to drive women out of the teaching profession in the UK.

    UK: gender inequality puts future of teaching profession at risk
  14. Equity and inclusion 23 September 2016

    UK: Union highlights needs of refugee children

    The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers has highlighted the appalling impact of the global refugee crisis on the world’s children and young people, especially in terms of education.

    UK: Union highlights needs of refugee children
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 September 2016

    UK: Unions condemn reintroduction of selective grammar schools

    Teacher unions have reacted strongly to the Government’s proposal to end the ban on the creation of new grammar schools, and are demanding measures intended to prevent poorer children from losing out.

    UK: Unions condemn reintroduction of selective grammar schools
  16. Standards and working conditions 28 August 2016

    Latest study on gender pay gap reveals that not all teachers are equal

    In its findings the United Kingdom’s Institute for Fiscal Studies has shown that on average men are being paid significantly more than women in local authority schools, and the problem is even worse in academies.

    Latest study on gender pay gap reveals that not all teachers are equal
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 August 2016

    UK: Labour pledge return of education maintenance allowance and maintenance grant

    Education unions reacted positively to the Labour Party’s announcement on 17 August that it will restore the education maintenance allowance and the maintenance grant if it wins power at the next general election.

    UK: Labour pledge return of education maintenance allowance and maintenance grant