
Articles from United Kingdom

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 May 2012

    UK: Historic joint agreement launched

    Two of the UK’s biggest trade unions have launched an historic joint agreement committing the trade unions to work together to protect teachers and defend education. The two unions, both EI affiliates, are the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT).

    UK: Historic joint agreement launched
  2. Standards and working conditions 12 April 2012

    UK: educators’ unions vote to strike over pensions, pay and job losses

    At their annual conferences, two of EI’s affiliates in the United Kingdom, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters’ Union and Women Teachers (NASUWT), have voted in favour of further industrial action, including strikes. The organisations profoundly disagree with the Cameron Government’s policy on public...

    UK: educators’ unions vote to strike over pensions, pay and job losses
  3. Standards and working conditions 12 April 2012

    UK: Teachers’ morale has fallen in last two years

    In the current political and economic climate, the teaching profession is coming under new and ever-increasing pressures. A recent survey commissioned by one of EI’s affiliates in UK, the National Union of Teachers (NUT), showed teachers’ morale had worsened over the last two years.

    UK: Teachers’ morale has fallen in last two years
  4. Standards and working conditions 22 March 2012

    UK: Unions strike over pension proposals

    EI’s national affiliates in the UK, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the University and College Union (UCU), are calling a one-day strike in London on 28 March, as the next step in their pension campaign. Trade unionists are protesting against changes to the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

    UK: Unions strike over pension proposals
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 January 2012

    UK: education unions oppose Government’s forced academy programme

    EI’s UK affiliates, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT), have deplored the fact that the Education Secretary, Michael Gove, is pushing ahead with plans to have schools taken over by outside sponsors and removed from the control of the...

    UK: education unions oppose Government’s forced academy programme
  6. Standards and working conditions 29 November 2011

    UK: Teachers lead largest strike in over thirty years

    Over 2.000.000 British public sector workers will stage a nationwide walkout today protesting against pension cuts of up to 25%. At the vanguard of the protest will be EI’s UK members: NUT, NASUWT, ATL and UCU.

    UK: Teachers lead largest strike in over thirty years
  7. Standards and working conditions 26 September 2011

    UK: Unions build closer ties for effective action

    A quartet of EI’s affiliates in the UK – the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO), the National Union of Teachers (NUT), and the Ulster Teachers’ Union (UTU) – have launched an historic partnership for closer co-operation, campaigning, and promotion of trade union values.

    UK: Unions build closer ties for effective action
  8. Standards and working conditions 15 September 2011

    Lecturers vote in favour of action over pensions

    Lecturers at leading UK universities have voted for action over planned changes to their pensions with more than three-quarters (77 per cent) of University and College Union members, who took part in a ballot, voting for a “sustained campaign of industrial action.”

    Lecturers vote in favour of action over pensions
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 August 2011

    UK: GCSE results show great achievements by students and teachers

    The General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, Christine Blower, has commented on the publication of this year’s GCSE results, saying “GCSE results this year are outstanding and the hard work that has gone into them should be applauded.”

    UK: GCSE results show great achievements by students and teachers
  10. Leading the profession 10 August 2011

    UK: New analysis highlights education divide

    Research undertaken by one of EI’s British affiliates, the University and College Union (UCU), has highlighted significant disparities in educational achievement among different areas of the same cities across the nation.

    UK: New analysis highlights education divide
  11. Union renewal and development 8 August 2011

    Murdoch brings in neo-liberal schools boss to fix scandal

    Former New York schools boss, Joel Klein, has been brought in by the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch to try and sort out the scandal which has engulfed his company in recent weeks.

    Murdoch brings in neo-liberal schools boss to fix scandal
  12. Standards and working conditions 1 July 2011

    British teachers on strike against pension cuts

    Over 750,000 teachers and other public and civil service workers went on a 24-hour strike in the United Kingdom to decry the drastic cuts in pensions the government is trying to push through. Classes were cancelled at more than 10,000 schools across England and Wales, as members of the Association...

    British teachers on strike against pension cuts
  13. Standards and working conditions 16 June 2011

    UK: Teachers join college and university lecturers in strike action

    EI affiliates in Britain have voted to take part in strike action on 30 June to defend members’ pensions. The National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) have voted to join University and College Union (UCU) members in the national day of action.

    UK: Teachers join college and university lecturers in strike action
  14. Union renewal and development 12 June 2011

    EI General Secretary is awarded honorary degree

    The EI General Secretary, Fred Van Leeuwen, has been conferred with an Honorary Fellowship by the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) at its Annual General Meeting. The EIS was granted the right to award Fellowships under a Charter given to the union by Britain’s Queen Victoria in the 19th Century....

    EI General Secretary is awarded honorary degree
  15. Standards and working conditions 30 May 2011

    UK: Teachers mount legal battle over pensions

    The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) is mounting a legal challenge in the British High Court to contest its government’s proposal to make changes to its members’ pension scheme.

    UK: Teachers mount legal battle over pensions
  16. Standards and working conditions 30 May 2011

    UK: Teachers mount legal battle over pensions

    The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) is mounting a legal challenge in the British High Court to contest its government’s proposal to make changes to its members’ pension scheme.

    UK: Teachers mount legal battle over pensions
  17. Standards and working conditions 3 May 2011

    UK: teachers decide on strike over pensions

    The National Union of Teachers (NUT) confirmed during its annual Conference, held 22-26 April in Harrogate, UK, that it will take coordinated action with another national affiliate of EI, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), as part of the struggle over pensions.

    UK: teachers decide on strike over pensions