Standards and working conditions 12 February 2025 Nordic academic freedom under threat
Jon W. Iddeng
All democratic societies rely on facts and scientific evidence for societal decision-making. Academic freedom ensures that researchers and educators at universities can provide this evidence. These institutions have a special responsibility to meet society's need for basic, curiosity-driven research, to maintain a broad knowledge readiness, and to serve as a...
Nordic academic freedom under threat -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 June 2024 Recognising the teacher crisis in Norway: a key step towards solving it
Ann Mari Milo Lorentzen
For years, we have fought for the recognition of the teacher crisis in Norway. A new multi-stakeholder strategy brings hope for change from early childhood to higher levels of education.
Recognising the teacher crisis in Norway: a key step towards solving it -
Equity and inclusion 13 November 2023 Norway: Quality education, international solidarity, and addressing the teacher shortage are imperatives for unionists around the world
In his final official speech as President of the Union of Education Norway (UEN), Steffen Handal, also a member of Education International (EI) Executive Board, reflected on educational realities in his country and around the world: “Never has the shortage of teachers been more pressing than now! Never have more...
Norway: Quality education, international solidarity, and addressing the teacher shortage are imperatives for unionists around the world -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 August 2023 Truth and Reconciliation: the responsibility of education and teachers towards Sami, Kven and Forest Finn communities in Norway
Kathrine Blyverket
In 2018, Norway’s Parliament established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to examine historic policies and activities relating to Indigenous Peoples, including attempts to assimilate them. On 1 June 2023, after five years of work, the commission presented its report , based on interviews with more than 700 people, illustrating very...
Truth and Reconciliation: the responsibility of education and teachers towards Sami, Kven and Forest Finn communities in Norway -
Union renewal and development 27 February 2023 European unions’ solidarity brings progress on social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal
Development cooperation (DC) partners of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) – Education International’s European Region – met for a DC Café online and discussed activities related to social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal.
European unions’ solidarity brings progress on social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal -
Trade union rights are human rights 13 February 2023 Social and policy dialogue, a key to union renewal?
Education International member organisation Union of Education Norway is exploring new ways of structuring development cooperation (DC) projects and ensuring that the educators’ voice is heard when decisions are made concerning educational issues and the teaching profession.
Social and policy dialogue, a key to union renewal?
Norwegian Association of Researchers
Skolenes Landsforbund
Union of Education Norway