
Articles from Nepal

  1. Standards and working conditions 22 April 2009

    EI General Secretary at the congress of Nepalese teachers: "Investment in Quality Public Education For All is the Key to Recovery"

    "We must go on the offensive. In every country, in every region and globally. We must turn crisis into opportunity. For we have a powerful case to make, and to show that investment in quality public education for all is the key to recovery, the key to eradicate poverty, and...

    EI General Secretary at the congress of Nepalese teachers: "Investment in Quality Public Education For All is the Key to Recovery"
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 23 September 2008

    EFAIDS Programme launched in Nepal

    The recent political change in Nepal coincided with the incorporation of the Nepalese teacher unions into the EI EFAIDS Programme. Working in partnership, the Nepal National Teachers’ Association (NNTA) and the Nepal Teachers’ Association (NTA) plan to carry out joint activities and training under the Nepal EI EFAIDS Programme.

    EFAIDS Programme launched in Nepal
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 23 September 2008

    Interview with General Secretaries of Nepalese unions

    Birendra P. Shrestha, General Secretary of Nepal Teachers' Association (NTA) and Baburam Adhikari, General Secretary of Nepal National Teachers' Association (NNTA) attended the inaugural EI EFAIDS workshop in Nepal that took place from 25th until 28th June 2008.

    Interview with General Secretaries of Nepalese unions
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 10 September 2008

    Nepal: Historic elections bring new era of hope

    A bloody decade of civil war in which more than 130,000 Nepalese people were killed came to an end earlier this year. National elections took place on April 10 in a peaceful atmosphere, despite serious violence and human rights violations during the campaign.

    Nepal: Historic elections bring new era of hope
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    Nepal: two new unions join EFAIDS Programme

    Education International would like to welcome two new unions to the EFAIDS Programme. As of this month, the NNTA (Nepal National Teachers’ Association) and NTA (Nepal Teachers’ Association) will be joining forces to work on EFAIDS. Both unions take the view that this cooperation will serve to greatly further their...

    Nepal: two new unions join EFAIDS Programme
  6. Standards and working conditions 13 September 2007

    Nepal: Teachers’ Unions demand reform

    Back in May, the Teachers' Union of Nepal (TUN) along with the Nepal National Teachers’ Association (NNTA) and the Nepal Teachers’ Association (NTA) demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Education and Sports on the recruitment and dismissal procedures prevailing in the country. They were joined by the EI Asia...

    Nepal: Teachers’ Unions demand reform
  7. Union growth 21 April 2006

    EI letter to the ILO concerning Nepal

    EI sent a letter to the ILO Labour Standards Deputy Director voicing its concern about the violation of human rights by the Nepalese government. In the letter, EI informed the Deputy Director that 20 teacher and union leaders were detained during a crackdown of a general strike on 6 Apr.

    EI letter to the ILO concerning Nepal
  8. Union growth 21 April 2006

    Nepal: EI supports its affiliates during crackdown

    EI is very concerned about the rising instability in Nepal, where citizens are the victims of repression against Maoist opponents and supporters of democracy. Since 6 Apr, Nepalese citizens have been rallying peacefully everywhere in the country to call for the return to democratic governance, but the excessive use of...

    Nepal: EI supports its affiliates during crackdown
  9. Union growth 17 February 2006

    Nepal: All teachers' union leaders have been released but situation remains volatile

    EI has received information from its members in Nepal that all teachers' union leaders have been released from detention - the last one being released on Feb 16. EI affiliates in Nepal - NTA, NNTA and TUN - thank all EI member organisations for their support. It is obvious that...

    Nepal: All teachers' union leaders have been released but situation remains volatile
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 15 February 2006

    EI monitors the situation in Nepal

    EI and other trade union bodies are monitoring the situation in Nepal closely, as hundreds of pro-democracy activists are still detained across the country.

    EI monitors the situation in Nepal
  11. Union growth 7 February 2006

    Nepal: EI protests against the arrest of teacher trade unionists

    EI sent a message to the King of Nepal, strongly protesting against the massive arrests of human rights activists, including teachers belonging to its affiliated teacher unions in the country.

    Nepal: EI protests against the arrest of teacher trade unionists