
Articles from Germany

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Adult Learning in EU trade agreements

    The controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a comprehensive trade agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States. Even though education is rarely mentioned by the TTIP negotiators, unfortunately there is not a guarantee that the European education and training systems will not be...

    Adult Learning in EU trade agreements
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Investir dans l'éducation et la formation

    The Education Council adopted Conclusions on Efficient and Innovative Education and Training to Invest in Skills on 24 February 2014.

    Investir dans l'éducation et la formation
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2014

    Have your say on the priorities of the EU on education and training!

    A new European Commission will be set up in autumn after the European Parliament elections. The DG Education and Culture of the European Commission, therefore, is renewing its political objectives for the future 5 years (2015-2020).

    Have your say on the priorities of the EU on education and training!
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 May 2014

    2014 European Elections: Bringing priorities on Quality Education at the core of the electoral debate – rounding up campaign activities in Europe

    ETUCE’s initiative aimed at encouraging candidates to the EP to pledge for the 10 key messages on ‘What is needed to improve the Quality of Education in Europe’ has been welcomed and supported by ETUCE affiliates throughout national activities in many European countries.

    2014 European Elections: Bringing priorities on Quality Education at the core of the electoral debate – rounding up campaign activities in Europe
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 May 2014

    Germany: Unions give the ‘thumbs down’ to standardised testing

    EI’s national affiliates in Germany, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) together with the Grundschulverband (GSV), have criticised the VERgleichsArbeiten (VerA) study which compares work between students in 3rd and 8th grades.

    Germany: Unions give the ‘thumbs down’ to standardised testing
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 May 2014

    The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

    The controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a comprehensive trade agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States. During his visit to Brussels on 26 March 2014 for the EU-US Summit, U.S. President Barack Obama tried to reassure critics that the trade agreement will...

    The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 May 2014

    The way forward

    The ETUCE Committee adopted the ETUCE Statement on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on 15 April 2014. The statement demands that education is entirely excluded from the TTIP negotiations. It is central to get this message broadly across the EU. ETUCE has therefore asked all member organisations in the...

    The way forward
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 May 2014

    The main issues at stake regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

    The TTIP is unprecedented because of its very broad scope. The negotiators intend to cover areas that have traditionally been beyond the purview of trade treaties. Consequently, there are a number of issues of general concern such as the secrecy of the TTIP negotiations, the assumptions of growth and jobs,...

    The main issues at stake regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 May 2014

    Existing problems with propriety and for-profit schools and colleges

    The existing problems with proprietary and for-profit school and colleges in the US give a clear indication of the kind of problems that can be anticipated. A number of reports have investigated the problems with these institutions.

    Existing problems with propriety and for-profit schools and colleges
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 May 2014

    Education and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

    During the fourth round of negotiations it became evident that education is being targeted in the trade deal. The US chief negotiator, Dan Mullaney, said the US is aiming to expand access of US for-profit companies to all European service sectors including higher, adult and other education services. At the...

    Education and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 May 2014

    Europe day


    Europe day
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 6 May 2014

    New ETUCE Webpage on TTIP

    ETUCE launched a new webpage where you can find information on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. What is the TTIP?, What does it cover?, Will Education be covered? Find all the answers to these questions here.

    New ETUCE Webpage on TTIP
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 6 May 2014

    Health and Safety Recommendation Adopted

    A set of health and safety recommendations was adopted by the ETUCE Committee on 14/15 April 2014. The recommendations indicate how teacher unions can work and act together in times of crisis to maintain and promote health and safe working conditions in the education sector.

    Health and Safety Recommendation Adopted
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 May 2014

    Fragmented career paths in higher education: downward spiral for quality of education in Germany and Sweden - GEW and SULF denounce

    EI/ETUCE affiliates GEW (German Education and Research Workers’ Union) and SULF (Swedish Association of University Teachers) joined in cooperation to fight for quality education and decent working conditions in higher education at the 5th Follow-up Congress on the Templin Manifesto of GEW held on 2 April 2014 in Berlin, Germany.

    Fragmented career paths in higher education: downward spiral for quality of education in Germany and Sweden - GEW and SULF denounce
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 8 April 2014

    Social workers more likely to work while sick

    Social workers are more likely to come to work while sick than the average worker in EU28, a recent Eurofound report shows. The report compares working conditions for social workers in kindergartens, schools, youth services, and social care with the EU28 as a whole.

    Social workers more likely to work while sick
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 25 March 2014

    Campaign on managing stress and psychosocial risks at work

    An EU-wide campaign on ‘Managing stress and psychosocial risks at work’ is going to be launched on 7 April 2014 by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

    Campaign on managing stress and psychosocial risks at work
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 February 2014

    Unions and civil society unite for quality education

    Education quality improves when teachers, and their unions, are supported; it deteriorates when they are not. This is one of the key findings of this year's Global Monitoring Report (GMR), which was launched at a series of events across the globe recently.

    Unions and civil society unite for quality education
  18. Equity and inclusion 7 February 2014

    The European Parliament calls for EU roadmap to protect fundamental rights of LGBTI people

    On 4 February 2014, the European Parliament adopted a resolution to safeguard the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people. The resolution calls upon the EU to make a roadmap to make fundamental rights a reality of LGBTI people.

    The European Parliament calls for EU roadmap to protect fundamental rights of LGBTI people