
Articles from Germany

  1. Standards and working conditions 10 January 2017

    Germany: union concerned over state proposals on fees and administration

    The Education International affiliate GEW has strongly criticised the plans of a Southwestern German state to introduce study fees and warns against a dilution of the participation of education staff in the decision-making process.

    Germany: union concerned over state proposals on fees and administration
  2. Equity and inclusion 3 October 2016

    Germany: teachers’ union calls for inclusive school policies and systems

    The German education union GEW has placed special focus on the relationship between integration and democracy after hosting its national congress under the slogan “One for all – an inclusive school for democracy.”

    Germany: teachers’ union calls for inclusive school policies and systems
  3. Equity and inclusion 21 April 2016

    German education adapts to include refugees in the classroom

    German unions are pushing for effective inclusion plans for adult refugees arriving in the country, with a focus on integrative education based on language skills and the acquisition of enabling diplomas.

    German education adapts to include refugees in the classroom
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 November 2015

    Germany: global partners demand more education funds for development

    In a letter to the German minister for development, the members of German coalition for the Global Campaign for Education are pushing for a bolder engagement and higher financing of education in the context of development aid.

    Germany: global partners demand more education funds for development
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 November 2015

    Germany: Teachers tackle international issues

    At a recent meeting of members working on international issues, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, one of Education International's affiliates in Germany, discussed ways to broaden the union's engagement and impact on the international scene.

    Germany: Teachers tackle international issues
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 October 2015

    Germany: Education unions join in massive protest against EU-US trade deal

    An alliance of civil society organisations, including trade unions, mobilised more than 150,000 people to protest against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, making it the biggest manifestation the country has seen in decades.

    Germany: Education unions join in massive protest against EU-US trade deal
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 October 2015

    Germany: Education unions join in massive protest against EU-US trade deal

    An alliance of civil society organisations, including trade unions, mobilised more than 150,000 people to protest against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, making it the biggest manifestation the country has seen in decades.

    Germany: Education unions join in massive protest against EU-US trade deal
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 October 2015

    Germany: Innovative day of action draws attention to education

    Teacher activists from the German education union, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW),and their students have organised a colourful awareness-raising day of action in the capital city, Berlin.

    Germany: Innovative day of action draws attention to education
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 7 September 2015

    Germany: inclusion in schools on the rise, but still facing challenges

    Students in Germany are increasingly sharing the same classroom regardless of their disabilities, says a new study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, but in some schools and regions, inclusion is still an out-of-reach target.

    Germany: inclusion in schools on the rise, but still facing challenges
  10. Equity and inclusion 3 September 2015

    Germany: teacher unions calling for support to integrate refugee children

    Amid the increasing number of refugees seeking peace and safety across Europe, teacher unions in Education International’s European Region are stressing the importance of integrating refugee children in schools as students return to the classroom.

    Germany: teacher unions calling for support to integrate refugee children
  11. Standards and working conditions 27 August 2015

    Germany: researchers support decent wages in education

    The considerable strains of social and educational professions must be appropriately appreciated, leading to better remuneration for educators, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft explained following a researchers’ appeal to politics and society.

    Germany: researchers support decent wages in education
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 August 2015

    Germany: focus on inclusion and schooling of refugee children is a must

    The teacher’s union Verband Bildung und Erziehung has urged public authorities in the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia to bring more attention and financing to inclusive and refugees’ education.

    Germany: focus on inclusion and schooling of refugee children is a must
  13. Union renewal and development 25 March 2015

    Students and teachers mourned after plane crashes in French Alps

    Education International has offered its sincere condolences to the families of those lost in yesterday’s tragic plane crash, which took the lives of 150 people, including 16 students from the Joseph-König-Gymnasium in Haltern, Germany.

    Students and teachers mourned after plane crashes in French Alps
  14. Standards and working conditions 9 March 2015

    German educators take to the streets demanding better work conditions

    The Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, together with other public sector unions, is organising strikes across Germany in pursuit of a salary increase and a collective agreement for the 200,000 teachers employed in public schools.

    German educators take to the streets demanding better work conditions
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 February 2015

    Improving the role of the social partners in the European Semester: Education and training priorities in the Annual Growth Survey 2015

    The European Semester has become an important tool for recommendations to Member States on education and training. Yearly, these recommendations contribute to education and training reforms at national level. The Annual Growth Survey 2015 is a communication from the European Commission to the Member States which kicks off the European...

    Improving the role of the social partners in the European Semester: Education and training priorities in the Annual Growth Survey 2015
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 December 2014

    Revision of UNESCO Recommendation on Technical and Vocational Education and Training

    The recommendation was originally adopted in 1962 and was revised in 1974 and 2001. The aim of the current revision is to reflect new trends and issues in the field, considering demographic changes, youth unemployment and growing inequality as well as the central role of "skills for work and life"...

    Revision of UNESCO Recommendation on Technical and Vocational Education and Training