
Articles from France

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 October 2012

    France: unions evaluate government’s reform plans

    France’s education unions have given a mixed response to President François Hollande’s priorities for education and his “road map” for National Education Minister Vincent Peillon.

    France: unions evaluate government’s reform plans
  2. Standards and working conditions 28 August 2012

    France: Teachers’ unions in reform consultations

    EI’s French affiliates are preparing to draw up a report on the most important reforms for the education sector. This follows a consultation process launched in July by the Education Minister, Vincent Peillon, on the restructuring of the education system. The education unions have revealed their proposals which may contribute...

    France: Teachers’ unions in reform consultations
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 August 2012

    France: Budget law includes a financial transaction tax

    EI welcomes France’s new budget law, adopted by both parliamentary houses and including a 0.2 per cent tax on the purchase and sale of stocks in French companies with more than €1 billion in market capitalisation. This tax, implemented since 1 August, is double the 0.1 per cent tax proposed...

    France: Budget law includes a financial transaction tax
  4. Standards and working conditions 17 April 2012

    France: trade union calls for enhanced status for the teaching profession and education for all

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, took part in the national congress of one of the largest French EI members, the Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré (SNES-FSU). This congress, held in Reims, from 2-6 April, focused on “(Re)constructing secondary education for all”.

    France: trade union calls for enhanced status for the teaching profession and education for all
  5. Standards and working conditions 16 April 2012

    France: Union addresses economic and social challenges in education

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, took part in the national congress of one of the largest French EI member, UNSA-Education. The topic of the UNSA Education congress, “Taking up the challenges of the education system”, served as the core issue for the discussions held from 28-30 March 2012 in...

    France: Union addresses economic and social challenges in education
  6. Standards and working conditions 15 December 2011

    International Day on Solidarity-Based Social Protection

    On 14 December, France’s Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale (MGEN), a joint founder organisation of the Education and Solidarity Network along with EI, organised a European and international day on the theme of ‘Social Protection: Citizens’ Rights and Duties’.

    International Day on Solidarity-Based Social Protection
  7. Standards and working conditions 15 December 2011

    France: Education unions speak out against teacher assessment plan

    A common union front in education, to which most EI French affiliates joined, has called for a strike on 15 December. Educators protest against a governmental plan aiming at having teachers’ evaluation and career advancement decided solely by school leaders.

    France: Education unions speak out against teacher assessment plan
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 October 2011

    France: Unions oppose government plan to test pupils from pre-school

    EI's French affiliates, SE-UNSA and SNUIPP, have condemned a government plan to ask teachers to test children as young as five on their behaviour and learning abilities.

    France: Unions oppose government plan to test pupils from pre-school
  9. Standards and working conditions 27 September 2011

    France: Public and private school teachers take joint action

    Teachers’ unions in France, representing both the public and private sector workers, have jointly called a strike on 27 September to denounce the deterioration of the country’s school system and demand ‘zero job cuts in 2012’.

    France: Public and private school teachers take joint action
  10. Equity and inclusion 1 September 2011

    France: teacher union defends mention of gender theory in textbooks

    UNSA-Education, a French EI affiliate, has denounced a call to censure secondary-level textbooks mentioning gender theory, explaining the relationships between sexuality, gender roles and cultural backgrounds.

    France: teacher union defends mention of gender theory in textbooks
  11. Standards and working conditions 15 July 2011

    France: Teachers deplore impact of government policy on the profession

    EI’s French affiliate, le Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré (SNES), has denounced its government’s failure to fill hundreds of teacher vacancies which have been subject to a new national exam.

    France: Teachers deplore impact of government policy on the profession
  12. Union growth 31 March 2011

    France: Teachers reaffirm their commitment to solidarity and social justice

    French teacher unions have issued a joint statement following on the recent district elections in France, which have seen a growth in support for the far right party, the National Front, asserting that “educators oppose the policies of the extreme right.“

    France: Teachers reaffirm their commitment to solidarity and social justice
  13. Standards and working conditions 11 February 2011

    France: Inter-disciplinary teaching threat to quality education

    EI’s French affiliates have called into question proposals from the Minister for Education, Luc Chatel, who’s ‘Science Plan’ threatens the emphasis on good initial teacher training.

    France: Inter-disciplinary teaching threat to quality education
  14. Standards and working conditions 28 October 2010

    France: teachers and students unite for quality public education

    The French Republic is currently experiencing a huge social movement. The outcry against the pension reforms, imposed by Nicolas Sarkozy’s government, has brought the French masses out into the streets.

    France: teachers and students unite for quality public education
  15. Standards and working conditions 23 September 2010

    France: Teachers to continue fighting pension reforms

    Following the success of 7 September’s general strike, trade unions in France have called for another coordinated national strike across all sectors in opposition to the pension reform proposals being rushed through Parliament by President Sarkozy’s administration.

    France: Teachers to continue fighting pension reforms
  16. Leading the profession 16 July 2010

    Jobs, Migration and Education

    Education was a significant talking point during the BBC World Debate broadcast last week from the OECD in Paris.

    Jobs, Migration and Education