
Education For All

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2014

    Education For All Toolkit aims at empowering teachers

    The new advocacy toolkit for teachers, produced jointly by the EFA Global Monitoring Report, the International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All and Education International aims at helping teachers use evidence based recommendations for their advocacy.

    Education For All Toolkit aims at empowering teachers
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 September 2014

    Education policies promoting equity lead to growth and prosperity, says latest OECD report

    As the world exits the economic crisis, a new report argues that education and skills will be critical to restoring long-term growth, tackling unemployment, promoting competitiveness, and nurturing more inclusive and cohesive societies.

    Education policies promoting equity lead to growth and prosperity, says latest OECD report
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 September 2014

    Literacy and sustainable development go hand-in-hand

    To highlight how a literate society paves the way toward a positive future, UNESCO is making sustainable development the focus and theme to mark this year’s International Literacy Day.

    Literacy and sustainable development go hand-in-hand
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 September 2014

    High level conference on Roma inclusion

    The European Commission convenes a high level international conference in Brussels on 2 and 3 October 2014 to take stock of progress and lessons learned in integrating Roma at local level with the support of the ROMACT programme.

    High level conference on Roma inclusion
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 September 2014

    Tanzania: State plans to cut public school fees

    Education International (EI) welcomes the Tanzanian Government’s plan to eliminate school fees for public secondary schools to ensure that all students successfully leaving primary school have access to higher education.

    Tanzania: State plans to cut public school fees
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 September 2014

    Tanzania: State plans to cut public school fees

    Education International (EI) welcomes the Tanzanian Government’s plan to eliminate school fees for public secondary schools to ensure that all students successfully leaving primary school have access to higher education.

    Tanzania: State plans to cut public school fees
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 August 2014

    A World at School launches Thunderclap to ignite countdown

    With only 500 days left to get 58 million children into the classroom, A World at School has ramped up their #EducationCountdown campaign to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of universal education.

    A World at School launches Thunderclap to ignite countdown
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 July 2014

    Australia: Cuts to Gonski funding detrimental to public education

    The Australian government’s cuts to Gonski funding will rip AUS$2.67 billion out of public schools, equivalent to 20,000 teachers, according to new research highlighted by the Australian Education Union (AEU), one of Education International’s national affiliates.

    Australia: Cuts to Gonski funding detrimental to public education
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 July 2014

    Tajikistan: Union builds access to quality inclusive schools in remote regions

    Teachers are working towards increasing access and opportunities to quality education in the country’s dense mountainous areas where children and especially girls are denied a place in the classroom.

    Tajikistan: Union builds access to quality inclusive schools in remote regions
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 June 2014

    Governments make record-setting pledges of $26 billion to fund education

    Expectations were blown out of the water today in Brussels as historic financial commitments were made toward funding education in the world’s poorest countries that will help provide a quality education for millions of children.

    Governments make record-setting pledges of $26 billion to fund education
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 June 2014

    Donors make record-setting pledges of $28.5 billion to fund education

    Expectations were blown out of the water today in Brussels as historic financial commitments were made toward funding education in the world’s poorest countries that will help provide a quality education for millions of children.

    Donors make record-setting pledges of $28.5 billion to fund education
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 June 2014

    Free trade deal opens door to privatised education

    The European Union’s intention to include education services in a free trade deal being negotiated with the United States is being heavily criticised by Europe’s education sector, amid fears that it will pave the way to privatisation.

    Free trade deal opens door to privatised education
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2014

    As the Day of the African Child is celebrated, 30 million children remain out of school

    Around the world, thousands are mobilising at events marking the Day of the African Child to shed light on global education for all, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where quality education continues to be threatened.

    As the Day of the African Child is celebrated, 30 million children remain out of school
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2014

    Promoting a World Cup free of racism

    Education International welcomes the initiative taken by CNTE, its affiliate in Brazil, with the campaign ‘A world cup without racism’. It seeks the teachers’ active involvement against discrimination, from the classroom to the football field.

    Promoting a World Cup free of racism
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 June 2014

    Australia: Privatisation drive endangers quality education for all

    Australia’s biggest education union has lashed out at its Prime Minister’s plan to launch corporate-run schools, arguing that the move would increase inequity in the system, waste scarce resources, and rob students of a quality education.

    Australia: Privatisation drive endangers quality education for all
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 June 2014

    Equality Recommendations Proposed

    The ETUCE Standing Committee for Equality proposed a set of recommendations in its last meeting on 2-3 June 2014. The recommendations shall be presented for adoption to the ETUCE Committee in October 2014.

    Equality Recommendations Proposed
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 June 2014

    Morocco: Wide gaps in education achievement

    EI will host a conference in Beirut, Lebanon, from 6-8 June for its Arab country affiliates to assess their governments’ progress with the implementation of education for all. The conference, forms part of EI’s Unite for Quality Education campaign which aims to make education central to the post-2015 development goals.

    Morocco: Wide gaps in education achievement