

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 24 March 2011

    New Zealand: Teachers under Pressure

    In a recent survey of members, the New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) was shocked to discover 86 per cent of teachers experience stress at work, while 24 per cent of respondents said stress levels are ‘of concern’ or ‘intolerable’. The union is tackling this problem everyone needs a way to...

    New Zealand: Teachers under Pressure
  2. Union renewal and development 24 March 2011

    World Day for Decent Work

    Trade union organisations all over the world mobilised on the occasion of World Day for Decent Work, organised every 7 October, by the International Trade Union Confederation.

    World Day for Decent Work
  3. Union renewal and development 24 March 2011

    European day of action: no cuts, more growth

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) staged a Day of Action on 29 September 2010 to show unified opposition to austerity measures being adopted by governments across Europe.

    European day of action: no cuts, more growth
  4. Standards and working conditions 24 March 2011

    Denmark: Become a teacher and change lives!

    Since 2007 the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF) has been conducting an annual study to show the number of teaching positions in public primary and lower secondary education institutions that are occupied by staff with no formal training. The results, which are published in an annual report, show a startling...

    Denmark: Become a teacher and change lives!
  5. Standards and working conditions 24 March 2011

    World Teachers’ Day 2010: honouring unsung heroes in our society

    Teachers are the guarantors of continuity during and after natural disasters and other crises. By giving hope for the future and providing structure and a sense of normality, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement. Teachers provide much-needed psychosocial support to ease the trauma of children...

    World Teachers’ Day 2010: honouring unsung heroes in our society
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 24 March 2011

    Unions commit to HIV activism to ensure quality education in West Africa

    Challenges to secure quality education in the West African countries of Senegal and Mali include overcrowded classes, over-stretched teachers and under-resourced schools. The impact of HIV and AIDS is another factor with the potential to complicate access and provision of education.

    Unions commit to HIV activism to ensure quality education in West Africa
  7. Standards and working conditions 24 March 2011

    Second survey on the impact of economic crisis on education, teachers and education staff 2010

    Since the onset of the global economic crisis, EI has been following the impact on education sectors around the world. Two particular surveys that were conducted among EI’s member organisations explored the impact of the crisis and were summarised in EI’s Report on the Impact of Economic Crisis on Education,...

    Second survey on the impact of economic crisis on education, teachers and education staff 2010
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 March 2011

    Global unions demand investment in quality public services now!

    In the face of cuts to public services, leaders of trade unions, governments and civil society have made the unprecedented joint commitment to work together.

    Global unions demand investment in quality public services now!
  9. Standards and working conditions 18 March 2011

    Sixteen countries and regions convened for first ever international summit on the teaching profession to promote building, developing and sustaining world class teaching force

    Teachers, education leaders and policymakers from rapidly improving and high-performing nations and regions shared common challenges and best practices

    Sixteen countries and regions convened for first ever international summit on the teaching profession to promote building, developing and sustaining world class teaching force
  10. Standards and working conditions 18 February 2011

    Expression of Solidarity with US Public Employees by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary

    On behalf of Education International, the Global Union Federation representing 30 million teachers and education workers through 396 member organisations in 171 countries and territories, I express our concern over Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s budget bill to strip 175,000 state employees, including teachers, of collective bargaining rights.

    Expression of Solidarity with US Public Employees by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary
  11. Equity and inclusion 31 January 2011

    Statement by the FGESRS, Tunisia, made during Education International’s First World Women’s Conference in Bangkok

    The movement of uprising against dictatorship and corruption which Tunisia, my country, has been witnessing for a month, has enabled our people to engage in an heroic struggle to recover its National pride and rights which have been denied to it. An historic stage on the road to freedom and...

    Statement by the FGESRS, Tunisia, made during Education International’s First World Women’s Conference in Bangkok
  12. Leading the profession 16 July 2010

    Jobs, Migration and Education

    Education was a significant talking point during the BBC World Debate broadcast last week from the OECD in Paris.

    Jobs, Migration and Education
  13. Leading the profession 2 July 2010

    G8 and G20 Meetings Fail To Deliver On Education

    The G8 and G20 meetings held last week in Muskoka and Toronto, Canada, were marked by political division and a lack of decisions. Significantly, while world leaders had earlier identified education and training as an important element of post-crisis recovery, they did not manage to take the necessary steps forward.

    G8 and G20 Meetings Fail To Deliver On Education
  14. Union renewal and development 24 June 2010

    Strauss-Kahn and Lamy fail to convince International Trade Union Confederation in Vancouver

    The face-off needed to stay polite but firm. And it did. On Tuesday, 22 June, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Pascal Lamy, Managing Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organization (WTO) respectively, set out their organizations’ stalls to the 1,400 delegates of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)...

    Strauss-Kahn and Lamy fail to convince International Trade Union Confederation in Vancouver
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 June 2010

    Teachers and students together improve teaching in higher education

    Results from the ‘Time for student-centred learning’ study show that teachers are committed to improving their ways of teaching and are ready to listen to students’ opinions on pedagogical practices.

    Teachers and students together improve teaching in higher education