
Zeynep Güneş and Ümit Aktaş: “We learnt of our dismissal in lists published on the Internet”

Ils y ont enseigné plusieurs années à l’école primaire, y compris pendant les temps de guerre et à l’époque des couvre-feux.

  1. Union renewal and development 14 July 2017

    Zeynep Güneş and Ümit Aktaş: “We learnt of our dismissal in lists published on the Internet”

    Zeynep Güneş and Ümit Aktaş arrived in Istanbul this year from Mardin, a town in south-east Turkey. They taught for several years at the primary school there, including during the war and the curfews. Their arrival in Istanbul signalled a new departure, that began with their marriage in Mardin.

    Zeynep Güneş and Ümit Aktaş: “We learnt of our dismissal in lists published on the Internet”