

  1. Leading the profession 7 May 2010

    Taking the case for education funding to Finance Ministers

    EI took an active part in a TUAC delegation which met on Tuesday in Rome with the Italian Finance Minister, Giulio Tremonti, who will chair the OECD Ministerial Council later this month.

    Taking the case for education funding to Finance Ministers
  2. Leading the profession 22 April 2010

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda

    G20 labour and employment ministers met yesterday with President Obama and presented him with their recommendations to meet the challenges that the economic crisis is posing for workers and their families worldwide. This was the first time that ministers responsible for labour markets in the 20 largest economies in the...

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda
  3. Leading the profession 20 April 2010

    Globalization and speculation

    The global economy has taken a "double whammy", first the financial crisis, now the disruption of global air travel by the volcanic cloud across Europe...

    Globalization and speculation
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 29 March 2010

    Chile: The “Memory Museum” and the neo-liberal experiment

    For the past 10 years theColegio de Profesores de Chile(CPC) has been carrying out a project they call the Pedagogical Movement, a unique kind of teacher union research project.

    Chile: The “Memory Museum” and the neo-liberal experiment
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 29 March 2010

    Côte d’Ivoire: Teachers face long hours, large classes

    At the latest EI EFAIDS African regional meeting, 28 teacher unionists from across the continent tackled the perennial issue of securing access to education for all children while guaranteeing quality teaching, and shared their experiences of lending support to colleagues living with HIV and promoting behaviour change for HIV prevention.

    Côte d’Ivoire: Teachers face long hours, large classes
  6. Leading the profession 29 March 2010

    Despite difficulties, teachers do their very best for migrant pupils

    All around the world, vast numbers of human beings are on the move – fleeing war zones, escaping injustice or seeking better life chances for themselves and their children. Global migration flows have increased for many reasons. Since the 1960s, the number of immigrants has more than tripled in OECD...

    Despite difficulties, teachers do their very best for migrant pupils
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 March 2010

    Instruction in music and the arts is essential to a well-rounded education

    We've all heard stories about struggling students who were falling further and further behind their peers (and whose interest in school was waning along with their grades) until someone, usually a teacher, pushed the right button. And, all of a sudden, those students had a renewed interest in school and...

    Instruction in music and the arts is essential to a well-rounded education
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 March 2010

    Education beats poverty

    This year’s Global Action Week will focus on adequate funding for education and will have the slogan “Financing quality public education: a right for all.” Global Action Week will take place from 19 to 25 April, a key moment exactly 10 years after the adoption in Dakar of the Education...

    Education beats poverty
  9. Equity and inclusion 29 March 2010

    International Women’s Day 2010: Celebrating and promoting women’s leadership

    To mark International Women’s Day, 8 March, Worlds of Education asked women trade unionists one key question: What is the most positive development you see on the road to gender equality? Here are some of their thoughts.

    International Women’s Day 2010: Celebrating and promoting women’s leadership
  10. Union renewal and development 29 March 2010

    Seeds of hope: Growing a network of green schools in Burkina Faso

    Environmental education is a passion for Ouedraogo Ousséni. A teacher at Municipal School C in Kaya in the north-central region of Burkina Faso, he has been developing a plant nursery project with his Year 6 pupils since 2000.

    Seeds of hope: Growing a network of green schools in Burkina Faso
  11. Union renewal and development 29 March 2010

    Hope for Haïti: Education at the heart of recovery

    On the afternoon of 12th January 2010, Jean Lavaud, General Secretary of the Confédération Nationale des Educateurs d’Haïti, was visiting his union colleague Magalie Georges at her Port-au-Prince school, utterly unaware that in a matter of moments their city and their lives would be changed forever.

    Hope for Haïti: Education at the heart of recovery
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 March 2010

    Benin: a model student

    “We have, above all, a feeling of satisfaction with the success that Benin, through the various actors involved in education, has continuously managed to achieve in terms of development of the education system,” says Maoudi Johnson, National Coordinator of Benin’s Education for All programme in the Ministry of Pre-school and...

    Benin: a model student
  13. Union renewal and development 29 March 2010

    World Social Forum: Learning to unlearn the lessons of neoliberalism

    Conceived of as an open space for dialogue within global civil society, the World Social Forum was first held in 2001 in Porto Alegre, acting as a counterbalance to the annual World Economic Forum held in Davos. Under the slogan "A different world is possible," participants in the WSF propose...

    World Social Forum: Learning to unlearn the lessons of neoliberalism
  14. Union renewal and development 29 March 2010

    Copenhagen: A small step forward, but much remains to be done

    The controversial Copenhagen Accord, ratified early in the hours of 19 December, is the least that the international community could have agreed in order to recognise and begin to avert the worst expected consequences of global warming. After two decades of scientific study and two years of negotiations, reaction around...

    Copenhagen: A small step forward, but much remains to be done
  15. Union renewal and development 29 March 2010

    Copenhagen teachers and students work to create a carbon-neutral school

    As world leaders meet at COP 15 to negotiate a global agreement to avert climate catastrophe, students and teachers in Copenhagen are taking concrete steps towards making their school carbon neutral by 2015 – a full decade before their city aims to achieve carbon-neutrality.

    Copenhagen teachers and students work to create a carbon-neutral school